We believe in a God that is still-speaking, a God that is all-loving and inclusive. We are a church that welcomes and accepts everyone as they are, where your mind is nourished as much as your soul.

What to Expect

Our Sunday morning worship service is at 10am. Child care for infants and toddlers is available during the service.

Our service includes preaching, new hymns along with familiar favorites, and some of the friendliest people on the planet.

Children are a vital part of communal worship and are welcome in all worship services.  Because it may be difficult for the younger crowd to sit through an entire service, children 5 & under have the option to be cared for in the Nursery (Classroom 5), too. Children in kindergarten through the fifth grade can join our Director of Faith Formation for “Kids in Community,” a time to do art, science experiments, service projects to connect with the community, and learn more about Jesus and his teachings.  See Get Connected for more information.

WELCOME ROOM:  our Welcome Room is a place for anyone needing space to move around, make noise or simply take a breath. It features a livestream of the worship service, so you won't miss a thing! All sorts of people need this kind of space for all sorts of reasons, so know that it's for YOU! The Welcome Room is located at the northeast end of Milligan Hall. One of our Deacons will be happy to direct you!

We Worship Through Relationships

Mayflower UCC is a community of faith committed to deepening our relationships. Our worship begins with the ancient practice of passing the peace of Christ by greeting each other with, "May the peace of Christ be with you!” and responding by saying, "And also with you!" We want to walk beside each other through life’s ups and downs, so we share our  joys and concerns during a time of community prayer. We also recite together the Lord’s Prayer, using a translation by members of our congregation.

We Worship Through Song

In the fifth chapter of Ephesians, Paul urges the church, “to be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts.” Music is a mark of the church – songs of thanksgiving, of sorrow and lament, of joy. It is how we confess and repent, and how we cast a different vision for tomorrow.

We Worship Through the Word & Communion

Like so many other churches and traditions, sermons at Mayflower UCC are based on scripture suggested by the Revised Common Lectionary. This allows for themes and liturgical seasons of emphasis to shape both the individual believer and the Body. We regularly practice the sacrament of communion together. At Mayflower UCC, God sets the Table, which means there are always plenty of chairs - all are welcome to gather ‘round for communion.

We Worship Through Life & Giving

Because we believe worship is meant to send us forth empowered to change our own hearts and the world, we always include ways to connect through service. Ways to serve can be found in the digital bulletin, in our weekly email update, and on our website. One of the ways we meet the needs of our community is through our tithes and offerings. A giving box is located just outside the sanctuary, and there are opportunities to give online through our website and our digital bulletin.